Event Details




4:30pm - 7:30pm


3 hours


Galway Arts Centre | Nuns Island Theatre




Free - Booking Essential

Event Type


In this workshop curator Kate Strain will focus on how to write about your art practice for proposals, grants and funding applications. The workshop will include a presentation on how Strain approaches writing about work in development with a view to securing funding to realise projects, and how she supports artists to develop their practice, build capacity and engage with new opportunities.

This will be followed by a practical session where Strain will guide participants through application writing best practice using a draft case study.

Booking essential please book here

About the artist

Kate Strain is a curator of contemporary art and the founding director of Kunstverein Aughrim, a curatorial production office located in County Wicklow. From 2016–2021 Strain was Artistic Director of Grazer Kunstverein, Austria, where she commissioned a rolling programme of seasonal solo exhibitions and collaborative projects by major international artists. In close collaboration with artist Fiona Hallinan, Strain is co-founder of the Department of Ultimology, a research body dedicated to the study of that which is dead or dying. Working alongside Rachael Gilbourne, Strain makes up one half of the paired curatorial practice RGKSKSRG, commissioning, presenting and contextualising contemporary art. Strain previously worked as Acting Curator at Project Arts Centre, a multidisciplinary art centre in Dublin. She is a graduate of History and the History of Art and Architecture, Trinity College Dublin, holds an MA in Visual Arts Practice, IADT Dun Laoghaire, and participated in de Appel Curatorial Programme at de Appel arts centre, Amsterdam and Young Curators Residency Programme at Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin. Strain is a member of IKT, the international association of curators of contemporary art, and regularly lectures in curatorial practice, art history and contemporary art.

Galway Arts Centre Artist Development Workshops

This series of artist development workshops by Galway Arts Centre are organised by curator and writer Iarlaith Ní Fheorais. They were developed around the artistic concerns of artists living across Galway and the West. Hosted by leading artists, curators and cultural programmers they will focus on access, social engagement and creative grant writing and are designed to provide the skills necessary to making accomplished work today and to avail of vital opportunities. The workshops are for artists at every stage of their career and across visual art disciplines.

These development workshops are funded by Galway Culture Company.